Get ready for .nyc and .london domain names

This articles discusses the introduction of city-specific website domain names such as .nyc, .miami, and .london.  Roughly 60 cities have received approval for their domain names from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) so far.  These domain names are expected to help local enterprises boost their web presence, improve their online search rankings and increase their sales by directing locals and tourists to relevant nearby businesses.  Berlin and Vienna are currently accepting applications for their web sites and other cities will be soon to follow.

Questions to consider: Do you think these city-specific domain names will have an impact on the search results and search ordering on Google?  How do you think local businesses applying for these .”city” name websites will modify their strategy?

Deal Done, Microsoft and Nokia Have to Do Together What They Couldn’t Accomplish Alone

This article discusses Microsoft’s acquisition of Nokia’s mobile device unit.  The aim is to have Nokia’s mobile devices become the hardware arm of Microsoft’s “mobile first and cloud first” strategy.  Essentially, Microsoft plans to build services and devices that keep people immersed in Microsoft’s products.  This acquisition makes Microsoft the second largest maker of mobile devices with 14% market share.

Question to consider: Considering the quickly shrinking personal computer market, does this move make strategic sense for Microsoft?  What areas do you anticipate Microsoft excelling in the future?

Microsoft Won’t Brand Its Own Phones ‘Microsoft Mobile’ — Nor Use Nokia’s Name For Long

What a shocker.  Like I said in class, Nokia should stop delaying the inevitable and should join Microsoft.  The camera on their phone was great but that is all it was, a camera.  Basically it was a smart camera with mobile technology.   Nokia still does exist but their network devices division is no more.  This new purchase by microsoft could help Nokia focus on more important areas such as NSN, networking business and obviously the high tech areas that could be profitable.  We all knew that Nokia would not last by itself when it came to phones.  As soon as their Smart Camera came out I said to myself,,,Nokia is not going to last, somebody will buy them out.  Long and behold..The day has came and Nokia does not have to worry about delaying the inevitable anymore.